“To know and
not to do is really not to know.” – Stephen R. Covey
to know and not to do is probably
worse than not knowing, since if we choose not to do what we know—and that we
know will improve our business—then we’ve squandered our investment of time, money, and effort in
the learning!
As we
completed our Buffini Peak Producers training in the Indianapolis office and
get that program underway in Lafayette, all of the brokers involved in the
class recognize that Buffini’s methods and systems will absolutely,
without a doubt, enhance anyone’s business when they’re
implements. We also all recognize that the real struggle is in the ongoing
implementation of these great tools and systems!
So, it’s time for a refresher from Gino
Blefari, CEO of HSF Affiliates, and his 63 Points on Time Management he
presented at our Annual Business Conference last week! Gino recognized this
stumbling block that impacts nearly everyone and urged us to take control of
our time and actions. Here are his first ten points:
As you go through these points on time management,
don’t think about whether you’ve heard
them before. Think about whether you’re applying the discipline to implement them.
Wow, we all know how true this is!
Wow, we all know how true this is!
There are fundamental steps to great time management.
Put these steps into daily practice, and you won’t believe
how much you can accomplish in a regular workday.
We’ve all probably done this before and know how true it is . . . so the key is how to stick with it!
We’ve all probably done this before and know how true it is . . . so the key is how to stick with it!
Email is there for your convenience. If it’s not
convenient, don’t answer it—or even look at it!! Guilty! I’ve just
started closing my email server on my laptop when I’m working
on something and only checking a few times a day. Not easy but I realize how
much time I waste running through email, 98% of which is of no importance in my
If you touch it, take action.
Time management 101! If you can do this, you will immediately be more productive!
Time management 101! If you can do this, you will immediately be more productive!
If you spend just 15 minutes per day to revisit, readdress,
or reread documents or emails, you will waste 97 hours per year where no action is taken.
The consequence of not doing number 4!
The consequence of not doing number 4!
The key to great email management is to institute a policy
where you use—and request—very descriptive subject lines
for all emails.
Wow, what a great idea! Let’s do it!
Wow, what a great idea! Let’s do it!
When the subject of the email changes, the subject
line on the email also changes. This is critical. Another
fabulous idea! Come on, let’s do it!
Concentration is like a muscle and it strengthens as you concentrate more. If you stop
concentrating every time an email comes in or the phone rings, you actually lessen your ability to concentrate and you
become less effective in any situation that requires concentration. This
really means there is no such thing as productive “multi-tasking.”
So true, and we all know it don’t we?
So true, and we all know it don’t we?
If you don’t keep a list, you are most likely a very reactive person.
Another time management 101 point! And Evernote is the perfect way to keep your list and never lose it plus have with you all the time!
Another time management 101 point! And Evernote is the perfect way to keep your list and never lose it plus have with you all the time!
Keeping a list will double
your productivity right away.
So true, so let’s give it a try!
So true, so let’s give it a try!
So, to know
and not do . . .
David M. Hassler
VP, Director of Business Development