A couple years ago, my car expired unexpectedly after 107,000 miles and I
decided to consider that ultimate practical vehicle, a Subaru Outback. As soon
as I started to think about them, Outbacks seemed to appear EVERYWHERE! They
even showed up in nearly every driveway in my neighborhood. Who knew—was it
magic? Of course, we’ve all experienced this phenomenon, and I had just tuned
my interest and attention so that I actually noticed the Subi’s that had
been there all along.
Thank you, Reticular Activator!
Whether it’s a new pair of boots, a new laptop, or a vacation to
India, our brain heightens our awareness of things we are considering and we
suddenly discover that nearly everyone we meet has just returned from New Delhi
with a new pair of cobra-skin boots and the latest MacBook Air!
So, what’s this have to do with Real Estate? Enter Brian Buffini
and Peak Producers.
We all know the key to long term success in our business is
through relationships with folks—our sphere of influence—who can give us
referrals to others who may be considering buying or selling. It’s our goal
through all our calls, notes, popby’s, and great service to keep their Reticular
Activator alert to thinking about real estate and their favorite Broker.
Brian Buffini, in his Peak Producer training, talks about the
Reticular Activator and how he uses this awareness with current clients to get
three—yes, THREE—referrals from each of them during the period of their active
buying/selling process! Again, who knew? Buffini makes the point that, of
course that current client is far more immersed in real estate than the average
person, and is probably chatting about it with friends, family, neighbors,
co-workers, and pals at the gym, ad infinitum. Our current clients’ Reticular
Activator for real estate is on high alert.
Thus, Buffini tells us that we can help our current clients a
wee bit by more finely tuning their Reticular Activator since no doubt in all
their chatting about the process, they will surely meet other people who might
be considering buying or selling, right? Buffini suggest that we REMIND our
current clients to think about helping us by being aware in their conversations
(that Reticular Activator) and proactively getting someone’s name or giving out
our information when appropriate, ie, giving us a referral.
How three? Buffini suggests we should have three separate phases
of great client satisfaction during our active buy/sell process, and that with
each one, our client is highly likely to be happy to do their best to help us
in our business by thinking about referring someone.
First, as we begin the process and have maybe done a first buyer
tour or a first open house, we’ve impressed our new client with our expertise,
our proactive communication, and of course our charm, so that’s the time to
remind them they can help us with a referral.
Second, once we have an accepted purchase agreement, usually our
clients are again delighted and excited, so we can once more remind them how
they can help us with a referral.
Finally, of course, as we walk out after the closing and thank
them with a gift of wine or chocolates or flowers, a third time we can remind
them how much we appreciate their trust in us and their referrals of great
folks like them.
Since our goal is to serve our clients so they are delighted
with our excellent service, that little tweak to their Reticular Activator
should yield a referral or two, if not more!
Thank you, Reticular Activator!
David M. Hassler
VP, Professional Development
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